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Do You Have a Question For Me?

What does Bravo's Way do differently than others in your field?

Bravo's way doesn't see dogs as just animals that we can train, we see them as part of our family that can learn to be the best version of themselves. We take the time to really connect with the dogs to make them WANT to learn and WANT to be better. We believe in all positive reinforcement to help dogs learn that it is a good thing, to be good.

What is your training methodology?

At Bravo's Way, we believe in only using positive reinforcement in our training. We will never hit, smack, or use a shock collar on any dog that we work with. We believe that with using positive reinforcement that they are in a kind and nurturing environment so that they will want to participate and want to learn how to be good.

Which types of animals does Bravo's Way train?

Bravo's Way works with all kinds of dogs, ranging from new puppies youre looking to bring home, to dogs that have recently began having behavioral issues. We can see the best in every dog and know that with working with them, we can help bring it out even more!

What made you want to start training?

I have been a dog enthusiast all my life. Growing up my Mom was a dog breeder and groomer so I got the opportunity to be around a lot of dogs starting at a young age. With being around them, I had the chance to work with them, groom them, learn how to care for them, participate in obedience, agility and confirmation. I went on to manage one of the top dog daycare and training facilities in Madison, WI. Ever since they closed, I have wanted to resume training and continue to share my passion and knowledge for dogs, and am excited to have the opportunity to do that!

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